Sunday, March 19, 2017

Lisa Brasier: Week 10 Serial Slice




For my project, I wanted to design a water fountain. I drew a simple sketch to get an idea of the basic composition and expanded upon it while modeling. I've made the creature on top of the fountain before in various other materials but never cardboard and thought it might be interesting. I wasn't entirely sure how it would read or how much detail would be lost. The final product did have some stretching.
The fountain was made with primitive shapes and the bend tool to make the details. I reused a skull from a previous project and rotated it around the fountain. All of the water was made from spheres manipulated using the moveUVN tool. The body of the creature on top of the fountain was made using the same technique as the water. To make the horns, I drew curves, piped them, and used the bend tool to get the shape that I wanted.
I added plaster bandage to the outside and plaster of Paris on top after assembling the cardboard pieces and smoothed out the surface. After it dried, I painted it with acrylics. I painted the water blue and the rest of the fountain was painted to look like marble. To add depth, I used varying shades of greys along it.

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