Monday, December 7, 2020

Wesley McKnight: FlatFab Project


Concept: For this project, I wanted to create some cost-effective home decor. I've always liked the idea of having plants indoors, but I don't trust myself enough to keep them looking healthy and appealing. So, I decided to create this 2D cactus for my project. Cacti were my first thought because of their large, flat leaves that could be easily translated into something like a flat-fab model. What I think is cool about this design is that the cactus could potentially be built to fit any height or space by adjesting the abount of leaves in the building kit and they can be painted easily. The amount of personal customization and ease this product has makes it perfect for anybody and any space. 

Tecniques: I messed around in Flat Fab for a long time, trying to figure out the best kind of cacti  to use as reference and debating wether or not to put a pot at the bottom. Once I had become familiar with the software , I took the sketch and put it into rhino to get the Layout you see above. 
Materials: The material of this products would be hard plastic (with a rougher texture so it may be painted easier). There is a lot of tension happening at the links between leaves, so the material has to be tough and not bend. 

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