Sunday, December 4, 2022

Carson Jones: Project 4 - Serial Slicing


So at the start of the project, the class voted for Horus, an Egyptian god that is a humanoid falcon. Because I had to switch things up due to the requirements, I made him a humanoid bird man by removing the Egyptian god aspect. So I wanted a bird man to have a somewhat human shaped body, with shoulders and chest similar to a human's, but with a bird head. My favorite color is green so I wanted the plumage to be green.



Modeling the bird was not as hard as I thought it would be thanks to SubD shapes. I started with a SubD Sphere for the head, and I just used the gumball to move it around and shape it how I needed to. I made sure to mirror it by using the Reflect command, so that the face was perfectly symmetrical. In order to do more detailed work on the face, I had to subdivide the sphere to have more control points. I worked pretty hard to get the face shape around the eyes correct, since I needed to make the eyes a little sunk in and the "eyebrows" to stick out more. For the neck, I started with a SubD Cylinder. I used a picture of a head and shoulders for reference as I modeled the neck. I used a SubD Box for the chest. The eyes were simple SubD Spheres, and the beak was a SubD Cone. I also had to subdivide the beak in order to make the shape exactly like a beak would be.

After having it contoured, the tip of the beak disappeared due to the overhang, so I decided to fix that later when modeling it in post-processing.

Rendering and Fabrication

For Keyshot, there was no cardboard material, so I had to attempt to make a cardboard-esque material myself. Since it's the bust of a birdman, I simply put it on a desk.

As for the post processing, I used the cardboard base and put spackling on it to mold it. Honestly, I used this because I already had some on hand and I wouldn't have to buy anything if I used it. So I modeled it the best I could, waited for it to dry, and then sanded it. I then put primer on it to not let any sharp particles cut me and to get it ready for paint. I painted it with two layers for each part, and then waited for it to dry.

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