Monday, April 17, 2017

Jose Diaz - Pepakura

My Pepakura model was created in a way to accommodate the 300 polygon restriction so that in its finalized state it would still resemble what it was supposed to be and not a disfigured mass. I took inspiration from a set of Jacks and actually created a Jack.

Continuing the modeling technique I have been using I constructed my model out of solids that were then simply booleaned together. The Jack is made up of three shapes; a cylinder, sphere, and pyramid; each in varying numbers. First the pyramid was elongated and mirrored to create the body of the Jack. Then two cylinders were skewered through the middle to create four arms. And lastly a sphere was added to each arm to cap them off. Once all the sections were put together the Boolean union command was used to merge them. The model was them taken into the pepakura program to be unfolded and then brought back into rhino to be set up for cutting.   

Putting my pepakura sculpture together was a bit tricky. Since it consisted of multiple lines coming to one point it was difficult to get a sharp edge on some ends. After all the pieces were creased they were glued together. Since I wanted a slightly weathered stainless steel look to the piece I brushed on some gel matte medium to created strokes like the kind seen on metal. Then I used a sponge to coat the model in metallic paint trying to create a speckled sort of aging effect.

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