Monday, November 1, 2021

Jessica Munoz - Lamp

       Jessica Munoz 

So I wanted to do something simple and I didn't want to go all dramatic on the design for this lamp but in my model, I used color combinations that we were using for the layers to make sure I know which is the vector and which one is the Engraving so where I won't be confused. Also for my lamp, I was going to use the light bulb but I decided to use LED lights starter easy and remote control so battery-powered or they don't pull off too much heat. I made sire that that was not copping soemle so did do my reher.

Some of the things that I'm wanted to do was to make sure that everything was the okay size it golds I did have a hard time doing all of the layers because I had to figure out which is which but in conclusion that to make sure that everything was equaled and nothing was like imperfect. another thing is that I wanted to give an idea of exactly how we're going to put the LED light so I had to make sure to measure and to make sure that the LEDs work and where there was a way I didn't have to make a component to put the batteries in so I figure out an easy way out. to that easy way was getting LED lights that are able to give you to just needs batteries in the end of time where they're controlled power so it can fit perfectly and they're very small and not that big I was able to measure for the examples that professor. 

 Some of the techniques are used for Engraving factoring especially for the 3D model but I do not have a preview Moto yet finished so by the time you're reading this im doing it. That Techniques that I used to make sure I put the vector and the Engraving I don't have any rosters but in the near future maybe I might change the design of the Ross maybe add some rosters but I have not decided on that but I do know it is part of the project that needs that. for the 2D design using the techniques or easy using the line tool is the shift most easiest thing to do on right now easy techniques especially copying the design I have but I also made sure to measure my designs. Ther was that was swothng that all we need was wothng give was swothng that all we need was wothng that we need that was something that all we need was swothing give was swothng .


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