Monday, February 24, 2020

Jacob Sears: Model for 3D Printing

Model for 3D Printing:

For my design i wanted to create something that had a sort of repetitive patter/ design so i decided to reference a fullerene (which is a type of carbon molecule) because of its repetitive hexagonal structure. However i wanted it to be a bit more interesting than this and have a more natural appearance so I wanted to add a sort of spherical virus type shape to the mix and have the hexagons look more tendril like.

For my technique, i started off with a dodecahedron and then used the doo sabin command to add more faces to the object. after that i selected all the triangle faces and extruded them twice with the size of the second extrusion being reduced. After which I used the add handle function to connect all the triangles to form the hexagonal tendril pattern. I then extruded all the hexagonal faces the same as the triangles, reducing the size of the second extrusion, and then ran the catmull clark command twice to round everything off and make it look more natural.

For my materials i would like to have the model printed and then cast in bronze, using shapeways, as i would like the model to be approximately 2 inches tall and be a sort of paperweight/ desk toy since i have a small obsession with small metallic objects ( I've literally purchased metal cubes off amazon before for my desk at work).

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