Monday, February 3, 2020

Sergio Nuno: Project 1 Castle

Concept: The idea for my castle is an idea I came up with as I figured out the Rhino Software. I watched a couple of tutorials online and came up with different ways to create shapes, which resulted in me making a UFO type structure that inspired me to make my project alien themed, specifically in the style of the show Dragon Ball Z. In this assignment, I tried to implement some of the same structure elements that are used in the show, such as the high risen structures and oval shaped space crafts that are used for transportation by the villains. I also wanted to include the same bright colors for the castle and landscape to mimic the feel of the show.

Techniques: Some of the techniques to create my final product include basic extrusion commands to create my towers and the revolve tool to create the more circular objects in my castle. I used polar arrays and the bolean difference tool to create my windows and used the control point curve and pipe tool to create the propeller like structures that are on the alien type helicopter in the middle of my castle. My favorite techniques on this project though, are the tree trunk I made by creating a star, extruding it, and twisting it using the twist command as well as the hills on the landscape I made using the cage edit command.

Materials: The overall goal I had in mind when assigning materials to my project, was that I wanted to keep the futuristic feeling I initially intended to have. Therefore, I chose to pick very shiny reflective materials, such as porcelain and titanium. I also chose violet glass for the domes to continue this effect.  On the other hand, I wanted to have an earthy feel to the tree trunk and the landscape. I did this by using wood as the material for the tree trunk and finding a material that had a bright green color to mimic the appearance of grass. 

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