Monday, September 7, 2020

Andrew F. Scott Project 1 Surface Population


This post is provided as a guidelines for Blog Posting in general and the surface population model  specifically. When posting to the blog always frame your presentation in this manner.

I wanted to use the surface population project as a opportunity to activate one of my favorite forms, the Mobius Strip.  I have been attracted to this form since some of my early studies of the work of M.C. Escher. In Escher he used ants to activate the form in my project I decided to use a different approach to reveal the underlying beauty of this form. I used the Viewport Renderer in Rhino to produce these images to show off both the form and the iso-curves that defines geometry in Rhino.
I obtained the mobius strip surface by downloading the LunchBox plugin from the Food$Rhino Website The food for Rhino website has many add-ons that extends the capabilities of both rhino and Grasshopper. I created two modules to populate my model. after applying each to the mobius surface I decided to enjoy the best of both worlds by combining the two. I also added pipes to my design by dividing the UV surface parameters of the surface and activating the lines.

I created two different compositions to show how you can approach the orthographic illustration that will be used to show off the dimensions of the model for 3d printing. At 10 inches this is a large model. If I were to have it done I would probably reduce the size 25%. I used this illustration as an opportunity to explore different colors and materials using the viewport renderer. In one image I made the curves visible so that they could be incorporated in the illustration output from Rhino. In the former Make2d was used to produce the orthographic curves that were then pass through Illustrator on its way to Photoshop.

When I saw the model I immediately though of it as a canopy sculpture that would float above horizontally. I took two distinct approaches to the illustrations that Illustrate what can be done using the Viewport Render and then Keyshot. Surface materials were applied to the Rhino model to enhance the characteristics of the materials. I used metallic and paint materials to enhance the forms. In the keyshot Rendering I decided to use a gem material to see what glass would like like. I also created an ambient occlusion pass to enhance the form in Photoshop. 

Version 2

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