Monday, September 14, 2020

Jaedene De Jesus: Project 1 Surface Population


    For my first project, I wanted to create an object representing an eye with a tear drop. It's not exactly how I wanted to turn out, but I am satisfied with how I was able to transform it. The teardrop, which is the bottom half of the object, is populated with heart shaped objects. The eye, which is the top part, is shown with spikes surrounding the eye. I wanted to make this as an art sculpture, incorporated with hearts and spikes to tell a story of some sort in relationship to the crying eye.


    I used Rhino and KeyShot. As I was making this project, I was learning as well. There was a lot of trial and error and took me a couple nights to finally grasp the basics of these software. First I used the sphere and reshaped it into a teardrop shape for my base. I then used the ellipsoid and reshaped that to create an eye shape. For my population object, I decided to make three different population objects. For the eye, I originally wanted it to be populated with the heart shape population object, but I did not like how it turned out. I next tried the heart population object for the teardrop, and like that way more. For the eye, I wanted it to have a round population object, so i used the pipe flat caps to create a donut shape . After completing those, it still felt incomplete to me so I added spikes to surround the eye using the pyramid shape. It still felt incomplete to me, so I added basic colors like baby blue, brown, and white. But after that, it still felt incomplete so I added different shades of color to give it depth (which later didn't matter because I ended up using different materials in KeyShot). 


    In KeyShot I used gemstone, glass, and wood to give it a glassy and modern look. The teardrop is made with gemstones, a baby blue color, and white glass. The eye is made with gemstone, glass, and different types of woods such as mahogany and oak wood. I wanted it to look fragile, as that is part of my concept.

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