Monday, September 14, 2020

Danny Laboda: Week 5 Furby

    The base idea for this project came from my love of the 1998 toy, Furby. This is a modified take on the toy, having longer ears and no tail. I chose this as my project because I am obsessed with this toy and have a large collection of them! I really enjoyed making a model of a toy I love so dearly.

     I am in no way a 3d modeler (hence why I'm going to focus on graphic design rather than animation), but I think I did a decent job at achieving the look I wanted! First, I made a parabaloid, toying with the anchor points to widen the top out a bit. Second, I used the surface population to add "fur" to it (though my population object got super warped when I did that?) Next, I used base geometry to model the rest of the features I wanted. Finally, I uploaded my images into my art program and drew on and colored the details.

     Okay I'll be honest, I couldn't get keyshot working. So, I'll fill this out with what I actually did and with theoreticals. Basically, I just used the generic default material in Rhino, because I thought a neutral material would be the best looking once I colored on top of it. I did all of the effects by drawing them on. Now, if I could have used any materials, I would have stuck with matte finishes for the face, eyes, beak, and ears. I would, however, have used a more fleecey looking material for the feet.

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