Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Erika L. Skaar Project 1: Surface Population


Concept: I will be honest with this first piece I was just trying to understand the software. There isn't much in the way of a pre-ordained concept here. I squeaked out a basic shape to give me an idea and understanding with all the tools we have learned to use during class. I will use this though as a starting point, I had help from Professor Scoot in getting this beauty populated. I would like to mark this as my beginning, as simple as it may be.

Process: Arduous, yes, however, I emerged victorious. I went back to the lectures and rewatched them several times to understand and mimic the annotations and engravings. I also had to troubleshoot my dimension text and read through blog posts and watch youtube videos. 
I am waiting for KeyShot to approve my student status, So I would like to eventually update my post with advanced software. My first post isn't pretty or skilled in any way, but I am proud of it none the less, it is only up from here.

I adjusted the size, DPI, focal point, and brought out the surface on second picture.

Concept: I wanted to start working towards making a model that looks are at least reminded me of something organic. I chose an Urchin, it has a beginner level shape that I felt I could work with well enough to make something in between geometric and real.

Process: I started with my centerpiece that I populated with tubes, which gave it a very sea creature feel. Inspired by the "Art Forms in Nature" I wanted to try multiple surface population objects in one picture for practice on my next assignment/personal project I am planning. So I added the outer ring, as more of a space-esque urchin. 

Finale: I was able to get URCHIN in KeyShot and play with it, I couldn't figure out how to blur the background, so I did a vignette. I also wanted a foot, and couldn't figure out how to get that in the picture. 

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