Monday, September 14, 2020

Hamsa Egal Week 4 Surface Population

 When I was first working on this assignment I was sort of focused on the wrong objective and ended up doing something else. But after learning what was required I went ahead and got right to it. During my time working I kept thinking about making some sort of product or something that I can use, and currently with corona and being less active than usual I figured I'd try building a foam roller of some sort. I went ahead, created the surface, and used a population object that would look similar to the ones I would see on regular ones. To be honest the difference in the pop object isn't necessary at all I sort of took liberty with doing something with it. While I wasn't impressed with what it turned out I figured this is the beginning, so here's my first illustration

As far as the surface population is concerned I just made a basic one we learned in our lecture. Out of all that we've been taught I'm getting excited to learn more about Grasshopper as its a challenge in it of itself, and I'd wanna see when I can do with it in the next projects we have. So now with the orthographic view here's the measurements for it. One of my biggest hiccups for me was sizing it right so its actually something that can be used if it were to be printed out rather than it being what it is now. A foam roller shouldn't be in feet but we're new to Rhino so hopefully I can work on this better and in the projects that follow make sure to measure it right.


 So now we come to the rendered view which I think I'm proud of. Its got good color to it and looks sort of like something I would use. For the materials I made the handles of the roller plastic and used the color Lead so as to not make them fully dark. As for the roller itself I made the surface with the color Plum and alternated between Plum, Lead and Licorice because I thought the colors looked great. 

Overall I'm proud of what I've accomplished so far with Rhino & Grasshopper and look forward to learning more about them. While a lot of us here are familiar with tools like this I come from being fully in UX and understanding tools like Figma and Marvel. To learn more about this side of design and actually building prototypes is a phenomenal skill to have and something that I really wanna hone in this class. Hope to see what more we all come up with in these next projects.

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