Monday, November 2, 2015

Darrius williams week 10 laser engrave

 For this assignment I used a Photoshop composition I made for my digital imaging class. I chose this image because was based in a personal experience I had the previous year and I wanted to turn it into something physical. I was also curious how might the detail transfer from the source material to wood.
this completed composition was all original. i started with a few concept images of space, meditations and yoga poses to find what look best when layered to together. to get the color blends I wanted I made multiple of each layer and used different effects such as Gaussian blurs and liquefy and a few others before layering with different fills and opacity's. after which I made it a gray scale image and brought it into illustrator for live tracing.
 I used a piece of plane 1/8 inch plywood for the engraving. next time though i will instead use a thicker, higher quality wood as well as setting up my image better to capture missed out detail.

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