Friday, November 13, 2015

Julio Romero: Week 10 Box

I wanted my box to be something personal, so I chose to design the different faces with things that I had previously done, both in this class and other classes. I also plan on using it to hold my smaller projects. I made each side 4 inches in length so that no one face would hold more importance over the others.

I got the outlines of the sides from box maker and took them into illustrator, making them exterior cuts. The heart/diamond and clover/spade faces I copied from my laser scanning assignment and modified to reduce the size of the holes and the time needed to engrave. I used my menger sponge Rhino file and used the make2D command to make the lines for the third side, postioning the camera so that the lines of both objects would point to a single vertex on each of them. The fourth side I designed based on a charcoal drawing I made in a different class, which I imported into illustrator and traced over using the pen tool to create inner cuts. For the top I used a logo I made in a design class I took in high school, using shallow and deep engraves.

I really like how my box came out, especially the two inside cuts because of how the light can shine through them. I'm also really amazed at how well made each face is and how they fit each other perfectly. I plan on only gluing the two non-inside cuts faces to the bottom in case I want to do something extra with the two other sides.

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