Saturday, November 14, 2015

Will McKiernan Box

For this box project, I wanted to create a cool, original design to engrave into my box to make it unique. I really like designs that incorporate things from nature, such as trees and leaves, and made an effort to include both of those in my design. I wanted it to be slightly ironic in its symmetry however, because nothing in nature is perfect.
First, I used to create a template for a 4in x 5in x 4in box. I created the tree and leaf designs with the pen tool in illustrator to make them symmetrical, and then used the array function in rhino to create the grid of perpendicular lines in the back of the design. I used the trim tool to cut out the lines from the circle, the tree, and the leaves, as well as from the outside of the box. then I placed the design onto the template. I also cut lines along the top to create a 1 in lid.

I decided to use MDF to make my box because it engraves well. I was very pleased with how the pieces came out. At first I was a little upset with the burn marks but now I embrace them as a nice characteristic of the box. I attached hinges to the box so that the lid can open and close. The hope is that my box will not only be nice to look at, but functional as well.

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