Monday, December 1, 2014

Jesse J. Griffith: Project 6 - Waffle Lamp

Week 11

Here are the dimensions of my waffle lamp. I had to measure the distance from the top of my light bulb to a correct distance to project onto the ceiling correctly.

Here is the lamp form without the bounding box.

The laser cut forms take up two sheets. I could condense the circles so some of the smaller ones will nest inside the larger ones. This will reduce material waste.

I had to experiment with the lamp with two different materials. This one is a two tone plastic texture I used to get some overlapping colors.

This will probably be the final colors I will paint the lamp once it is cut out. The horizontal sections are red with black vertical supports. On the top, I made some seating to house a 3.5in diameter lens. So the bulb will be projected into the ceiling, this looks quite neat depending on the design of the bulb.

Here's an example of what the large projection would look like.

Here is the final lamp. I still have to engineer a piece to hold the bulb and be able to adjust the height of the light source to get the projection focused.

It Works!

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