Monday, December 15, 2014

Sean Johnson: Week 10 Waffle

I wanted to make something that just had a nice clean look to it. Something with a good flow to it, and not too complex. I wanted a good amount of space between the ribs so that it didn't look too packed together either. I ended up with a smooth wave-like design that I really like. I plan on hanging it on a wall and using the chambers like little shelves for various stones and crystals.

The building process was pretty straightforward. I extruded a plane and used the contour command along the plane's original axis to get the basic ribs. The scripts for cutting the ribs actually worked perfectly and I didn't even need to clean up any of the edges afterwards.  

Going off my concept of keeping it simple, I picked a flat even material with a low specularity, and since I knew I was going to be making the real waffle out of hardboard I went with a light brown color.

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