Monday, December 15, 2014

Sean Johnson/Blake Philley: Final Knight Chess Piece

We decided to pick the Knight for our piece, but instead of the traditional Horse head we decided to make our piece a bit more literal and make a knight's helm. The original form was made in Maya using planer modeling, then transferred into Rhino for proper scaling. Once we were happy with the size we brought it into Pepakura and unfolded it. We ran into a small snag once it was printed but all it really did was slow us down a bit. 

We put a scratched metal texture on our model in Keyshot since we both thought it would be cool to make an even bigger statue made of actual steel. It also made a lot of sense considering it's a piece of armor. putting a metal texture on it wasn't too insane as far as our ideas usually go.

The End result was two separate pieces, the helm itself and a base for it to rest on. We took this picture just to be silly, but we both ended up liking the idea of being able to wear the over-sized helmet so we cut off the tabs that were intended to fuse the pieces and left the helm wearable. We're both pleased with how it turned out and ended up having a good time working on it, even with the crunch time. 

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