Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Vincent Lo: Lamp

I sculpted a rough base mesh in Zbrush

 Once I brought the mesh inside Rhino and generated my curves, I discovered many of them were unusable. I spent some time figuring out what curves were usable, and then I modified them to be more appealing.


I knew from the start that I wanted the physical illumination of the light to connect with the conceptual aspect of the sculpture. After quite some time, I finally settled on the concept of fire. In addition, I thought this concept of "natural" fire contrasted nicely with "artificial" light.


I sculpted my mesh in Zbrush, but then found out quickly that many of the auto-generated curves were unusable. I salvaged what I could, and I did a lot of cleaning and manipulation to the curves. Often I would just re-draw new curves over the old and then scrap the old.

After finding the shapes that I wanted, I blocked out the hole in which the light bulb would rest and scaled things appropriately. To create the slits, I created pipes and placed them on the plane intersections. After all that, I used booleans and splits to make the holes.


For the Keyshot render, I played around with many materials. I eventually landed on a liquid material and played with the refraction and transparency settings to achieve the current look. For the sculpture, I used cardboard for financial reasons.

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