To start this post with bad news, I did not finish this project. I did everything I could to try to complete the modeling for printing. I ran into a massive wall that I have been trying to fix since the moment I discovered it, which I mentioned as an edit shortly after I posted my last blog post (4/2/18 12:08am.) I accidentally saved over (stupid I know, I have a habbit of pressing ctrl+s) my working file when I was at school showing my work in a later version of Maya. Because I work in Maya 2015 comfortably at home and the school has Maya 2017 I created a translation error in the geometry.
.obj ascii/binary conversion error caused more than 300 holes.
Target weld tool, merge vertex for 60hrs
The hand also had this issue as well but it was corrected in 2 days of work.
The entire month was just fixing these errors. After I cleaned up a bulk of the border edges I started on making the key's for the sitting figure part (and I still have to do the standing legs.) A part of the process was recorded in a 2hr video to show how pain staking the process has been.
I was looking through my plugins to get rid of one of my start up errors and out of pure coincidence I noticed maya has an .obj "plug-in" that needs to be turned on. So I spent a good 3 weeks fussing around with Maya2015/Rhino5 .obj conversions without realizing I had the fix right under my nose...
The good news is that I learned how to fix these holes and what not to do next time I do this.
Theres not much else to explain for this post. The massive error screwed up the rest of the semester and I spent all my time trying to fix it.