Monday, October 30, 2023

Evan Cohen: Project 3- Serial Slice & Surface Population

Serial Slice


For the serial slicing project, I was inspired primarily by topographical and relief maps. For this project, I aimed to design and model a mountain, and using the serial slicing grasshopper definition, I wanted to slice and transform the mountain into what would appear to emulate the topographical images of mountains. 


I iterated between multiple different models and designs before reaching this final model which I felt best represented a topographical view of a mountain. I modeled the mountain in Rhino by just making essentially a 2D topographical map using control-point curves and then in the perspective window, brought the curves up until I felt the spacing was adequate to loft the curves together to create a smooth model of a mountain. The last step was for me to just connect my Rhino geometry to the serial slicing grasshopper definition and play around with the layer thickness until I was happy with the resolution.


For this project, Considering the concept being natural in theme, I wanted to render my model in a natural stone or marble material. I imagine this model being a cool art piece or sculpture at a museum or park environment. I played around in Keyshot, messing around with the lighting and contrast to capture all the intricate details and the best resolution of the model. 

Surface Population


For this project, I wasn't necessarily inspired by a particular product or idea, rather I was simply experimenting with the surface population script in creating texture and intricate detail on surfaces. Ultimately the texture and design I ended up creating inspired me to try and emulate the designs seen on drinking glasses and other such items.


In order to make this model, I wrote a simple grasshopper definition which created two cylinders, one within the other and then using the solid difference component I was left with the outer walls of the cylinder. I then used a smaller same-size cylinder to serve as the base. I then made a simple star-shaped geometry and then, using the surface population grasshopper script, I projected the shape along the surface of my object. I played around a lot with the extrusion height and U & V components in order to finally reach the desired look that I have now. The last thing I did was fillet the inside edge of the rim and the inside rim at the base within Rhino.


Surface Population Model (printed)

Fitting with the idea that potentially this model could be scaled and modified to serve as perhaps drinkware or maybe even an ashtray, I decided to render my model in Keyshot with a material that would be translucent. I ended up rendering my model in a translucent black plastic material since it gave the best overall appearance of black glass without being too transparent and refractory. 

Caleb Wang Project 3: Serial Slicing

 Serial Slicing: Rabbit

Concept: I wanted to base the model off of my pet rabbit and decided to go from there. I decided to go with horizontal serial slices as it made more sense to me for this project, rather than a vertical serial slice.

Processes: After finding a suitable low-poly model that resembled my rabbit, I used the provided Grasshopper script to serial slice it. At first, I wanted to use very thin slices, but I realised that those left very thin and pointy bits at the top, so I widened the slices to 3.00 in order to achieve even layering even at the tops. After fixing some naked edges in 3DBuilder, I sent it off to the 3D printer.

Materials: As usual, I wanted to match my materials with the same color as my printing filament. Therefore, I went with a baby blue paint material and rendered it in Keyshot.

Daniel Morel ATCM 3355.001 F23: Project 3 - Serial Slicing


                While trying to brainstorm a subject for the serial slicing model, inspiration came by way of an ad with a surfer playing combined with my dog bringing me his alien toy to play with. This led me to the idea of a little alien dude surfing his UFO that I could slice up and turn into something like a kid’s nightlight. Figuring it would be easier to sculpt in ZBrush and then import in for slicing this also became an exercise in working across different software for me as well.


                I started with my usual sketches to get the basic forms in place before I switched to Zbrush to begin my sculpting. After getting the forms in place and to a level of detail I thought would work with the slicer, I went about getting the sculpture into Maya. In Maya, I box-modeled some clothes and did a retopo on everything so I could export the file into Rhino to begin the slicing process. Getting the piece to that point went fairly easy and didn’t really require anything more than using the grasshopper script and, some booleans for the light cutout.


                I printed my surfer in White PLA so that the tea light would have a nice glow through the cockpit and allow it to work better as a nightlight. The print remains unpainted but for the render, I added some basic colors that help differentiate its different parts and should help keep the light coming from the cockpit mostly. 

Nash DeGroat ATCM 3355.001 Project 3 - DemiSlime (Surface Population)


    I basesed my design on the sterotypical fantasy slime. I wanted to create a psudo checkerboard look similar to the texture of Loki from Persona 5. With how surface populaton goes on top I want to make the core of the slime visible though the design.


    I started with a sphere and after ading exta points I pulled the top verticies into a finger-esque shape. After copying this for later use I elongated it further and added more verticies to make it easier to make a secondary shpere shape for a palm. Using the copy I made earlier I added two extra fingers and a thumb for a total of 4 appendages. After puting what I had on a simple base I decided to add drips to the bottom that would pour over the sides a little to better integrate the base. Orignaly I was going to delete the objects that were populated on but had worries about the structure holding up. In the end I decided to instead boolean difference a semisphere into the palm and expose half of the core.

    In rendering the model I made the center area glass with the population turned into black transparent. This makes the core visible through the population and lets the whole sphere be visible despite helf being embedded in the body. On the core I used a plastic texture with a rainbow graident to make it stand out in the black and white body. Originally I was going to make the base a marble texture and give indents to make it look like a greek pillar but quickly decided to simplify it so in turn I went with a simple brown metal texture to make it bronze/copper.

Trinity Hernandez ATCM 3355: Project 3 - Surface Population


Reference Photo

Planning (inches) - Trinity Hernandez

3D Ghosted View - Trinity Hernandez

3D Model - Trinity Hernandez

Final Project - Trinity Hernandez


Choosing the Surface population, I want to mimic those kid's toy that you'll see in waiting rooms at the doctor or dentist. With something that a kid-save and something you buy in your everyday toy stores. 


When making this, I knew I would need a base for the ring. When making the ring, I used a cube with extruding faces then created the donut shape. Using coding in Grasshopper to allow for easy population of the cube, then modeled the shape with the Point commands. After that, created the base with two rectangles and combine them. Adding two rectangular pillars and rounded out the edges. Lastly, made a pipe that become the holder for the donut shape.


The donut shape and the base would be made with plastic while the bar would be made out of wood. I also use rubber knobs to hold the bar in place.

Michael Murphy ATCM 3355.001 Project 3 - Surface Population


For my design, I decided to use a bunny as the idea. I wanted to have surface population as a way of creating a new texture on it. 


I started with downloading a bunny model from CGTrader as the template to work with. Then I worked on the grasshopper script to experiment with changing shapes and morphing them to have a new texture. However, I ran out of time, so I didn’t get to finish the process in its entirety and get the desired result. 


For materials, I thought about doing something more metallic so that the model would turn out to be silver and somewhat futuristic looking. 

Rickie Jones ATCM 3355: Surface Population and Serial Slicing

Surface Population

Crown Render 1


Crown Reference Image 

Hanging Chain Reference image 

For my design I wanted to make a kings crown by using the surface population technique. My design was inspired by the pointed tops of the crown from the reference image, the pattern indents and the idea that the crown can hang from a chain. Rather than worn.


Crown ghosted and make 2D

For my process, first I started off by making a torus and modifying the control points. I lifted 4 edges up in a rough idea of what a crown would look like. I made 2 points higher than the other to make it more interesting. After I used another torus as the population object and project that onto the crown torus. Next I added 3 segments and manipulated the spacing of the top crown circles. Lastly I added a base and used surface population on it to make the engraved look. 


Crown render 2

3D Printed side view

3D printed 3/4

I printed the castle out of black filament and did not paint it. I used a chain necklace I had to hold the crown. For my rendering I used gold colored metal, black metal for the base and silver/gold for the side design. 

Serial Slicing 

Pyramid render 1

Temple Refence Image

Destroyed Temple Reference Image

For my second design, the serial slicing, I wanted to make something that would go with the theme of the crown. Ultimately I decided to make a temple. After starting the temple I realized that it would look like a pyramid by using the serial slicing technique on the model.


Pyramid ghosted and make 2D

Firstly, I started off by making the basic pyramid with the truncated triangle. Next I made a doorway through both sides. From there I added the details of a destroyed or old temple/pyramid by removing chunks of the model. I mainly used Boolean difference and a variety of shapes. Lastly I used to serial slicing grasshopper tool to add the pyramid look.


Pyramid render 2

For my castle I used a sand texture and turned the transparency down to 20. Then I picked a sand color for the temple.