Monday, November 2, 2015

Joseph Rowe: Week 10 Fall Waffle Structure

For my waffle project, I decided to do a piece that reflected the Fall season and could be used as a table centerpiece. I ultimately chose to do an empty cornucopia that could support an arrangement of fruit. This led me to aligning it vertically with an oak leaf shaped base for support. It would be made from cast acrylic for strength and aesthetics. I considered colors, but settled on clear so that the fruit would become the focal point and people seated at the table could see through it.
Creating this as a waffle structure proved to be a nightmare. My initial model below had only the tip of the cornucopia joined with the leaf shaped base. The model was oriented so that the centermost ribs would provide the needed structural support in a cantilevered arrangement. Alas, after many hours of trying various layer arrangements, I determined that the rib cutting script could not process it without cutting off or removing entirely needed layers.
I then altered the model, positioning the cornucopia so that there was a continuous vertical structure in the center of the model. Even so, I had to try at least a dozen different layer placements and orientations before the rib cutting script ran successfully. Even so, the orientation was not what I wanted and I was forced to omit some ribs. Here is the result.
Unrolling and laying out the contours for laser cutting was relatively straight forward. I managed to fit them all on a 24 by 48 inch sheet of 0.08” acrylic.
In retrospect, I learned that the rib cutting script is ill suited to models without solid central structures. I may, as time permits, manually slot my original design.

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