Monday, May 1, 2017

Lauren Barbieri Week 13:Pepakura

The original work I actually designed in blender to learn the software earlier this year on my dad's old desktop. Imported to Maya and simplified and imported further into rhino for the export. I initially worked face by face, starting with the muzzle shape and moving down the body, extensively mirroring and joining, learning the existing shortcuts for skills I had already had. The original finished was around 500 so it wasn't too much work to simplify. It was a pretty lucky break to have already had such a low poly model handy. And Im glad I got to do a full body with so few polys.

Mesh(left) and Nurbs(right)

Working in pepakura had it's own problems, primarily my initial difficulty in getting wineskin running on my MacBook. I had a slow start trying to figure out the design shape but I called on childhood experience of designing cutouts like this by hand, and once I got into that mental space it got a lot easier figuring out the shape Thinking about it as though it's something that exists, with the knowledge that soon it will. If that makes sense. My strategy at the start was to make it in rings, that can then connect strategically together, and for the most part that worked.

I started from the back legs and worked my way up.
I spray painted the dog black and then applied an acrylic gloss finish since scotties are generally black dogs. 

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