Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Clara Crossland Week 4 Castle

This castle is based on any classic three layer cake, I thought of more like a wedding cake kind of build. What I also wanted was something that was cute and would appeal to smalle kids more than adults. That was the main reason I chose the light girly colors and the plastic material to make it seem like a plastic toy.
Image result for wedding cakes 3 layers

What I did mostly consisted of creating shapes that could very easily stack on each other. I wanted my castle to look like it was made of blocks and things you could easily put together. I used solid and symetrical shapes to build the castle to the height that I desired.

The reason I wanted the plastic material was so it would seem fake and like a toy. I really like the artifical look the pinks give it also. I wanted it to resemble a real cake but actually look like a toy or a cake made for a child.

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