Sunday, February 3, 2019

Justin Chang: Week 1 Castle

The concept for my castle came from the various palaces I’ve seen while I was deployed in the middle east. I was always amazed at how the structures were composed of sand-like material. It inspired me to follow along a similar color choice for the exterior surface of my structures.

When creating my castle, I began with a solid rectangle as my foundation. Then I created a 10-sided polygram within the foundation and extruded it. Same goes for the small building, except I made holes on each side, representing windows and I threw a dome roof on it because it looked odd without it. The outside pillars were done in multiple steps due to the various shapes associated with it. I started with a cylinder and extruded slightly above the foundation. Then I placed a truncated cone on it and began extruding the cylinder again past it. A solid rectangle, rotated about 45 degrees, was placed on the cylinder and once extruded past it. Lastly, a truncated pyramid added as the tip of the pillar. The four smaller cylinder’s placed within the foundation have spheres dropped inside of them that make it look like half a sphere or a cap for the cylinders.

During the process of making my castle model, it reminded me of making Lego’s or small-scale car model’s, so I decided to choose a plastic toy like colors. Although, I didn’t choose materials under the plastic section because I didn’t like the high levels of gloss. 

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