Sunday, February 3, 2019

Quinn Sherer Project 1 Castle

ghosted image

Rather than making my castle a traditional building,  I imagined a sort of fortress made out of an area surrounded by huge trees.  This castle would be found deep in a forest, and almost impossible to distinguish from the surrounding trees.

layered image

To start, I made the front wall out of one large octagonal tree trunk and four smaller trunks in a close curved line.  I build the remaining four walls but copying that group of objects and rotating/reflecting them until they fit together into a pentagon shape.  For the leaves,  I placed a truncated cone on top of each of the large trees and surrounded it with small spheres.  Then I filled the area above the smaller walls with more spheres to cover the tops of the trunks and to create a taller barrier with bit of an overhang.

pedestrian view

Since the design was supposed to resemble trees,  I wanted to use materials that strengthened that idea.  I made the trunks of the trees wooden materials - "Oak Wood Satin" for the large trees, and "Walnut #2" for the small ones.  For the leaves,  I chose to use metallic paint textures called "Paint Metallic Orange peel Lime Green" for the leaves on the large trees, and "Paint Metallic Orange peel Green" for the rest of the leaves.  Because the cones are barely visible,  I went with a "Hard Textured Plastic Green #2" to keep them similar to the leaves.

establishing shot

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