Sunday, February 3, 2019

Marissa Hernandez: Week 1 castle


ghosted with materials

Concept: My inspiration for this castle was a birthday cake. I thought what was cylinder shape and that could be a fun design for a castle, and then I thought of a cake. I thought I would keep the center of attention as the “cake.” The rest of the design such as the two towers are based on candles. Then it looked a bit empty so I added on the back square part of it and got even more additive and added the diamond like things to class it up a little.

pedestrian View

bird's eye view

Techniques: For the different techniques I used a lot of the poly surface tool to create the basic shapes. Then I used the tube tool for the main cake part with the tiers and as well for the decoration rings around it. For the windows scene throughout it, I used the Boolean difference tool to cut out sphere shapes I learned in the flashlight tutorial. I used the copy command tool as well to get the symmetry of the castle.

Materials: For the materials I wanted to keep it the same color scheme and I focused on what a cake would have, but I wanted to spice it up a little as well. I kept the main wall, and cylinders surrounding, it to a matte white to keep that same element a cake with frosting would have with no shine. Then I thought adding metallic decorations would help bring out the essence of their importance. For the big diamonds I thought it would take too much away from the cake if I made them a metal as well, so I went with a more subtle look for them and used a dull material. Then I went with a studio lighting with three lights because I felt all of the outdoor/indoor lighting took away from the color of the metals.

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