Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bill Watts: Week 11 Architectonic Lamp

 For the development of my lamp, I wanted to create a piece that could serve as a hanging light fixture in my kitchen. I used the dimensions of my old, wicker light covering as a basis for the dimension of this lamp. Development of my final form took longer than I would have liked, mostly because I couldn't settle on an idea that was both interesting and possible to put together. In the end, I settled on a sphere inside of a twisted square with spikes at the corners. The slicing and layout of the form in a radial waffle manner seemed to go smoothly, which perhaps should have been a red flag. When I finally brought the design into Keyshot, I realized I had slots facing the wrong way. I corrected this and added the bulb holder at the curve level, so my final renders do not reflect the modified design. When I assembled my lamp, I found I was missing a piece. Thanks to Ronald, I was able to get the piece recut even after I first reprinted the piece from the older and incorrect design.

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