Monday, December 8, 2014

Nick Benke: Waffle Lamp

When creating this lamp i really wanted a tall large structure that was very simple to look at but still aesthetically appealing. I also wanted a lamp that i could use a more traditional light in the center, as well as fit my lava lamp completely inside of.  My inspiration for this lamp actually came from one of Professor Scott's lamps that he brought into class. I really enjoyed the tall simple geometric feel of it.  I used Rhino to model this by starting out with a tall rectangular shape and subtracting a "fat" tube from the inside of it.  Then to get the rotations, once i got the horizontal slices of it i just rotated each one by 15 degrees at a time to get the rotational look here.  The way i designed this lamp will also allow me to fit my lava lamp inside of it as well, instead of just the smaller light, giving the structure more overall functionality. 

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