Monday, December 15, 2014

Michelle Villamarin - Week 10 Project 5 Waffles "Bunny!"

It took me awhile to think of what i wanted to do for this project  I looked thorough the internet to see some reference images of what other people had done when i remember how some people surprisingly call there pet bunnies "Waffles". So i decided to make a bunny.

 I thought the overall shape resembled ovals so when i went on to Rhino, i simply messed with the shapes of the spheres and did a combine Boolean and made a general shape of a bunny.

It kinda looks like a bunny right?

I was surprisingly happy with the way it turned out, I must say I like it more that the ghosted version 
for sure.

Key shot:

If it was on a desk i would hope it would look like this.

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