Sunday, December 7, 2014

Nathaniel Propp: Project 7: GeoUnfold

Statement of Purpose : For the GeoUnfold I searched through the website provided to us ( I chose the basic dodecahedron to allow me to allow me to experience Adobe Illustrator with out too much complication. This will provide me with simple folds to prevent too also allow me to experiment with shaping cardboard with the mountain and valley folds.

Modeling Techniques : Illustrator is a powerful tool to create, manipulate, and organize lines and curves. After color coding and separating the outer and inner cut segments it was easily imported into rhino and double checked. 

Material Choice: Cardboard was provided by Professor Scott from UTD for this assignment. 

Post Cut :After using wood glue to assemble this project I will defiantly seek out a more instantly adhesive glue for the Pepakura project.

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