Monday, September 5, 2016

Sarah Roberson: Week 2 Duck

Ghosted Painted Black


Ghosted with Keyshot Material Assignments

I had a hard time with this assignment because I couldn't get a lot of the commands to work so some of this is isn't how the tutorial explained it. But my inspiration for this design and the color scheme is a Mallard Duck. I have a pond out in front of my house and I see them every now and then and so that inspired me. The green mixed with the yellows are a mix of a traditional rubber duck and the color green reflect the look of the head a mallard. The inspiration for the top hat and the monocle came from a picture that I saw of a man with a top hat and a monocle. I just love the look and was going for more of a stuck up look which to me, most people with monocles are stuck up people.

Modeling Techniques
I used circles to form the body and the head. Most of the rest of the body is stretching the geometry of both the head and the neck to make the shape of a duck. For the wings, I squashed ellipsoids and for the neck, I created a  truncated cone because I couldn't get the merging of the shapes to work the way that I wanted. I modeled the monocle and the top hat to make it look like a posh British wealthy man.

 Materials Used in Concept
How my material choices reflect my concept is that all the colors are from the plastic such as some rubber ducks usually are. I also wanted to make it shiny instead of a dull plastic such as rubber ducks usually are because I like  the look of a shiny surface rather than a dull one.

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