Sunday, March 27, 2016

Since we were doing a serial slicing of an object, I wanted to make something that had movable parts that had an interactive element with the viewers. After that I tried to think of a shape and decided on a fan/propeller shape. I decided on a cylindrical base on which the blades would sit and made individual blades that the viewer can rotate around to create their own design of the object.
I created a cylinder for the base then used edit points to make it get smaller as it went towards the top. For the propellers, I used a square curve tool then used interpolate on curve tool to create the blades around the square. Then, I extruded the curves into a solid object then used to edit points to make it get smaller as it went towards the top again. Then I used the contour tool and used the sliced curves to split the object then patched the spaces in between the blades.

If I were to make this model without cost restraints, I would make the propeller part some kind of glass material that would allow smooth rotations for each of the pieces. I think that the glass material that is see through would create a cool effect when light is shone through and the object would look significantly different depending on how the individual blades are rotated. For the base I went with a simple black metal material to keep the focus on the blades.

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