Monday, May 2, 2016

Devan Mitchell: Week 10 Waffle Structure "Growth"

Concept: This piece was inspired by Crop circles. This particular image shows aspects that implement the golden ratio in which the scaling and size of the object can be traced down to the most natural elements in which our eye see something as appealing. I picked this particular image to go off of because of the lines of the crop field. The lines section off the design creating an interesting juxtaposition between the fluid and angular line quality.
Modeling: to make the primary onion shape started from a Sphere and the dragged the different vertexes to make the shape. For the legs on the bottom I used spheres and then used Boolean Union to attach them to the primary shape. I cut out a section in the Primary shape by creating another sphere and using Boolean difference. Then used the two scripts to make the waffle sections and then cleaned up any errors. 
Materials: I used bushed aluminium and wood for the materials in key shot. I wanted the solid version to have a abstract and reflective quality. The waffles structure would look best made in wood so I wanted to show that off prior to investing in that material. The physical product was made in 2 ply cardboard. I should have made the slots significantly larger because the product was made with the same intent as the modular piece which was hundredth smaller instead of a hundredth larger. I learned a lot from this piece. I did have modular pieces used in conjunction for the growing elements and those slot can be kept the same size. 

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