Saturday, May 2, 2020

Aleena Mir: Architectonic Lamp

For my lamp, I wanted to create a glowing effect of a crystal.

I started out by creating the model shape for my lamp. I stared withe a rectangle tool to create a long pillar, and a pyramid tool on top. I used a series of rectangles slanted at an angle to boolean difference to get the shape of the one crystal. I duplicated the crystal twice, resized it, and angled it so they looked different once I boolean joined them together. I then use the cylinder tool to cut out the center the shape. Then I used the contour tool to create vertical contours of the model. I placed a bounding box around the model and used the section command to get the radial contours. I then converted all these contour curves to planes. I then selected the entire model of planes and created intersecting curves so I can build the pipes. With each intersecting curve, I used the pipe tool to create a single pipe, I moved the end of the pipe to the center, duplicated the pipe and moved the second pipe to the center of the intersecting curve. I color-coded the inner pipes and the outer pipes, and copy the pipes and pasted them along the radial plane that it is sitting on. I repeated this until I was completely done adding pipes to every intersection. I then used the split tool to create the notches and removed the notches to create the intersection.

I started

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