Saturday, May 2, 2020

Nadeem Dahduli - FINAL: Music Box


For my final project I wanted to create something special so I decided to make a music box that honors my favorite Saxophonist, Charlie Parker. I began by searching for different types of jazz art to see what kind of design i will be doing on the box. For the actual box I ended up with a cylinder shape, almost like a large cup. I found one particular image that was a scribble of a saxophonist but I thought it matched his posture so I began with that.


Drawing in rhino was impossible for me to tolerate so I resulted in using Adobe Illustrator to create all of my designs and import them into Rhino. I used the image above and produced my own scribble that matched the shape and size. Since my object was a cylinder the scribble would not have fit on the sides so I planned to put it at the base. For the walls of the cylinder, I designed an array of musical symbols accompanied by a wave of 5 lines, to represent the music sheet. This was all done using the blob brush followed by the shape builder tool to separate the pieces. I then imported the sketches into rhino and aligned them to the box cutout that I downloaded.

When I extruded the shapes, I used Boolean difference to cutout the lines of the symbols. For the base I did not want it to be cut through all the way so I only extruded the scribble design a little just so it can look more like an engraving than a cutout.


Rhino had so many different textures to choose from it was a bit overwhelming, but with enough patience and computer processing power, I found the right one. I planned for the object to possess a light wash of wood. A bit righter than walnut but darker than bamboo. I picked Chestnut because it was that perfect middle ground. For the Rendering I created a large plane and gave it a navy blue plastic color (hence, the dark background and reflections). I also added a sun, which took a long time of tweaking to get the perfect angle.

I was not happy with the result of Rhino's rendering, some features I wanted to show more did not. Instead I set the viewport to Raytraced, waited until it reached its maximum sample count and, using the snipping tool, captured the screenshot.

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