Monday, March 4, 2019

Marissa Hernandez: Week 8 3D print


For my idea I wanted to create something that I would enjoy. I intend to enjoy nature and especially the flowers it has to offer. So I decide to make something similar to a rose. I did not just want to create a simple rose, so I went a little more abstract with my design. As studying roses a lot, I know that they tend to wrap around the center so I figured repeating a shape around this would be the best choice. I played around with rhino for a bit to see what I could make as a repeating pattern. I incorporated unique shapes and even used cones to show the thorns. My whole idea in the end turned into a type of “edgy” rose that could be used as a wall decor or pendant whether it be smaller or larger.
Rhino ghosted

rhino with materials

For my process I wanted to decide what would be the best option to repeat. Using the poly surface tool I created a unique shape to use. Once I drew it out I extruded it to create a 3D poly surface. Once I accomplished this my next step was to copy the shape, and then rotate it around the center until I had the shape I wanted altogether. It then needed some thorns incorporated into it so I decided to stick cones into to seem as if they were sitting on top, making sure I evenly spaced them. It still looked a little bland so I decided to add a little more to the middle, as where your eye would usually be guided to when viewing a rose. So I decided to stick to my number three and stuck three spheres in it, while having Boolean difference two spheres in between them.

key shot overview

Key shot 

finished 3D print

finished 3D print


When 3D printing I only had the option to choose PLA, so I went with a red material to match a rose and liked the way it came out as that. It gave a little detail with the lines making it look a bit more interesting. Although, if I had the option I would choose a metal copper for my material to render it, because I felt it made it shine and brought out the type of “thorns” I incorporated on the sides. I felt it was more intended to be shiny because roses have a delicate touch to them, but the way I designed mine made it seem more “tough,” so I figured bringing shine, brings back the delicate side to it.Using three studio lighting when rendering felt it could help bring out this factor of being bright to it. As well in being a studio plain background lets it be its own self since it only has one material to it. I left only one material thinking that the thorns and spheres already stuck out on their own, so leaving it all one color helped them blend in and in uniform, because I did not want them to be the main focus.

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