Sunday, September 12, 2021


Thu Huynh - Project 1 - Maker Case Lamp


When I conceptualizing what I will design for my Marker Case Lamp, it took me a while to think. I searched randomly without any exact idea, and then I saw the third eye with a pyramid. In a few seconds and I was thinking about the manga called Yu-Gi-Oh!. This main character inside that manga always wears a necklace that has a third eye, the eye of Anubis God in ancient Egyptian, inside the pyramid and there are so many pictures of characters stand in front of ancient Egyptian script wall. So I started with that idea and looked for some image references to uses when I do a lamp in Rhino. One side will have the eye of Anubis inside the pyramid. Two sides will have some of the ancient Egyptian scripts. The side in front of the eye will have the name of that manga. I will called this lamp is The Eye of Anubis.


Before starting, I need to create the shape for the box that I need for my lamp by using the website with a width and depth are 4 inches, and height is 6 inches. So I opened the Rhino and import the case I just download from Then I add the layer and color for each layer. Then, I change the bottom for the lamp, I use some the tools like Polyline, Join, Trim, Slipt, and Explore. I made the elevation 2 inches. Then I started to add detail for all the sides of the box and the bottom. After that. I use Solid -> Extrude Planar Curver -> Straight to create the thickness. Then, I move and rotate all the sides and the bottom together. I think that I put the wrong number so it didn't fit well.

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