Sunday, April 17, 2016

Alec McKay: Waffle Structure

Concept: My design was inspired by other furniture I found online that had been made with waffle structure, such as the above chair. From there I decided to do a sofa, so I did some research into interesting designs for sofas, which was where I got the idea to put a shelf into the back of the couch. I thought the rounded form of both the sofa and the shelf would look good with the layers of waffle structure, and the shelf would add more interest to the back side of the sofa.

Technique: I started with an ellipsoid, and I used another ellipsoid and BooleanDifference to create the seat of the sofa. To create a base, I drew an ellipse curve and used Sweep2 to create a surface connecting it to the ellipsoid above it. Once I had that shape, I created another ellipsoid for the shelving unit. For a flat-bottomed shelf, I used a flat surface to cut the bottom off, and then I used another BooleanDifference to cut that out of the sofa. I also used a large fillet on the edges of the sofa and the shelf so that the arm rests and seat wouldn't be too sharp.

Materials: For my laser cut model, I decided to go with the thin E-Flute cardboard because I thought it would look better for the small scale to have a thinner material, so it would look more similar to what I imagined it would look like at full scale. For my renders, I went with a plastic painted in metallic red for the solid version, and a nice light wood for the waffle structure. A light colored wood was what I thought I could use if I made a full scale version of the waffle structure sofa. I chose a different material for the solid version because the wood didn't look as good in this context, so I went with a bright, shiny metallic plastic.

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