Sunday, April 24, 2016

Christopher Rickett: Waffle Structure

Concept: the concept for this waffle structure evolved from point A to point B.  I always wanted it to be an amorphous shape, because I love the organic feeling that is given by it. I also wanted it to have holes going through I thought it would look interesting to have gaps in the waffling. As I created the slots for the waffling, I noticed that what I was looking at looked a lot like structural beams for buildings, and I thought it would be interesting to represent that as a part of the piece.  I decided to cover the piece and then tear away parts of the covering to "expose" the underlying structure.

Technique: To create this, I created curves and lofted them.  I then projected curves onto the surface and trimmed out holes. lastly I used the blend surfaces command  to reconnect the edges of the holes. this also allowed me to customize the curvature of the surface around the holes.  As for creating the waffling itself, I played with different combinations of contouring along the X, Y, and Z axis' to find the one I thought would, one: look the best, and two: be the easiest to create slots in and reconstruct after being printed.

Materials: The waffle structure was printed on .25" cardboard but for Keyshot, I used a metal texture. This way, it really captures the structural skeleton that I was envisioning as I was designing this piece.

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