Monday, April 25, 2016

Tara Intyrath: Slots

Concept: I was in the middle of a heated discussion with my parents when the idea for this project came into mind. I wanted to create an image of unity but in the middle or inside of it all there's are parts that do not follow that unity and struggle as they try to break free trying to not be conformed.
Technique: For starters I wanted to use a fairly simple shape so I decided to make my root module of that of a triangle. To me a triangle is boring but is better than a square so in my ideals it is best suited for the concept I have towards this project. I continued the idea of basic shapes and used squares this time to make the slots. I used the curve boolean tool in the end to make the four different triangle designs. Its a very simple design or four different triangles.
Model: For my materials I decided to go with the eflute cardboard because of how thin it was. It was very easy to use and get things fitted together. I really like that it came out to be like a shape of a star with objects spilling or trying to force their way out. It fits with my idea because for me I have always been told to do things a certain way by my parents and that is the only way I will be successful. The star has always been a sort of motif of success for me.

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