Saturday, April 16, 2016

Jung Choi: Laser Engraving

Concept: When I first heard of this project and Professor Scott showed us the tween curves tool, I knew that I wanted to create some kind of a pattern using that tool. I did not have a specific concept in mind but thought that the tool would allow me to create some interesting patterns. I was very happy with the overall results regarding the pattern as it created something like a swirling circle in the middle with the outside looking almost like flower petals. The piece seems a little busy looking at it from up close, but when you look at it from a bit further away, the lines blend together to create some amusing shapes.

Modeling Techniques: As I had stated before, I wanted to use the tween curve tool for this project. I created a rounded square shaped curve towards the bottom left of a square and then used the tween curve tool. Then, I deleted all other curves but the tweened curve that was one bigger than the rounded square that I had originally. Then, I used the tween curve tool on that curve at the outside square again. After repeating this multiple times with different settings for matchmethods, it gave me the star-like shape and I decided to stick with that shape. I mirrored the star shape across and over so that I would have 4 of them that were towards the 4 different corners of the square. After that I used the curve edit tool> adjust closed curve seam to adjust the seams of the outer square so that it would make the correct effect with the mirrored star curves.
Material: I used a 1/4th inch plywood as I thought it would look interesting with the patterns and the grain of the wood. This proved to be of little use as the grains are hardly noticeable given the dark lines of the engraving and how busy the piece is. The piece itself is 1 foot x 1 foot and I decided to go with those dimensions as it is ultimately in a square shape and I did not want it to be too big.

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