Thursday, April 9, 2020

Isaac Wieland: Flatfab Animal Abstraction

Concept: I wanted to create a centipede for my flatfab animal abstraction. I felt the centipede kind of fit the theme of current events, and could have an interesting shape. I wanted to utilize a lot of repetition in my design as well.

Process:  I started sketching the main body shape, then creating the leg pieces to duplicate and mirror several times. The head was made of two simple organic shapes. I used a red metallic paint as my base texture, and adjusted some of the passes individually. I adjusted the specular pass to make it shine more, and slightly adjusted the diffuse pass to make it a deeper red.

Materials: The sculpture will be made out of E Flute cardboard. The renderings display the sculpture with a red metallic paint texture. I feel like this would match the theme of the design, and if this were to be laser cut and textures, this would be the texture I would want.

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