Sunday, April 5, 2020

Flatfab Model - Jacob Sears

Flatfab Model


My inspiration for this design was that as a kid i always loved those balsa wood dinosaur skeletons they would have at museum gift shops, so i wanted to make something that sort of held that same theme. To make it more interesting than just a dinosaur skeleton i thought it'd be cool to make something more along the lines of an eastern style dragon, which in my opinion are SIGNIFICANTLY cooler than western dragons.


I started making the model by first drawing the body so i could have a base to build everything else off of after which i made the more straightforward pieces like the head and tail. For the legs i just branched off of the body making several segments that would turn different ways to make the legs look more dynamic and then mirrored it across to create the matching leg. For the ribs/ spines i made the initial spine and used the revolve operation to create a bunch of them across the body while matching the angle the body was going.


Rather than making this out of balsa wood or cardboard like what i knew as a kid, i think it would incredible to make this out of a clear deep red acrylic so that it would look almost like stained glass and the red matching the symbolism of eastern dragons as good luck.
(unfortunately i wasn't able to figure out how to assemble all of the pieces in rhino, get everything to line up correctly and render it in time to turn it in)

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