Sunday, April 26, 2020

Nicholas Garces: Architectonic Lamp


For this lamp model, I wanted to create an organic smooth shaped lamp that could hold a standard bulb without requiring any extra bases or hanging wire. It was meant to look like a vase so that it could stand on a shelf or any other surface requiring only a plug to function.


I modeled this using the waffles technique that Professor Scott showed in his video tutorial. First creating an outline and the revolve command to create the initial massing model. I filleted and boolean subtracted a sphere creating a smooth organic mass. I then used commands to slice the model into layers to create a bone structure of my model. I was able to create lines based on the intersections and pipe these curves to create interlocking notches for locking the pieces together. I then used the unroll script and arranged my cut outs to create a sheet that could be used in a laser cutter. I then prepared my model for render by extruding the surfaces to a 1/4 inch width and modeled a simple light bulb and housing to simulate the final product.


I used a metallic film material to simulate a painted polymer material for the cutouts. I then used plastic and rubber textures for the light housing as well as an emissive surface for the light bulb. I then used render layers to assemble a visually appealing model that imitates the final lamp product.

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