Monday, September 22, 2014

Ed Whetstone: Project 2, 3D-Print (Flashlight Vines)

This post has all content for Assignment 2: 3d-printed flashlight cover

See all updates below the fold!

Week 1:

I started out with a vague idea that I wanted to make crawling vines that interwove and reduced in size as they moved up the flashlight column.  I started by working with the cylinder as a flat sheet for ease of use.  All modeling is completed with polygons in Maya.

once the base forms were completed, I gave the object some depth and bent it into a cylinder

Week 2-3:

After some tweaks, the flashlight is smoothed and sent to Rhino for sizing and final placment:

I like the idea of something very organic (vine-like, even) being made into metal.  There's an interesting contrast between the expectation of soft, pliable organic shapes and a hard material.

And off to Shapeways!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent and beautiful work. Consolidate all of your work into one post for each project so that all of the info related to each project is in its own posting. Think about this as a sculpture on a larger scale. Again nice work, Your flashlight is especially original.
