Sunday, September 14, 2014

Oscar Sanchez: Project 1: Magnimite Magnets

When I started my assignment I decided to print my Magnimite model. For those few who don't know,  it's a pokemon. I thought that a fun little spin I could do for this project is install magnets that way you can place its screws and magnets where ever you want to it.

Here's the model I started out with.

Then I went searching for magnets I can glue onto the pieces of it.

Once I chose the batteries I'd use I made a model of it in Maya and built a housing obj for it to be glued onto.

I then proceeded to modify the size of my magnimite and place the housing obj on it. I had to remodel the screws because, as we learned in class, 3D print machine spits an error out if an obj isn't "water tight".

Then I placed the housing objects to all of it's pieces.

I split Magnimite's body in two that way when it prints out, I can glue in the other magnets.

Lastly I duplicated the amount of objs I want to be printed out for the scope of this project.

Ghosted view in Rhino

Mental ray in Maya


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderfully clever idea. I think that you are on to something here.
