Saturday, September 13, 2014

David Norkiewicz: Project 1: Model LightSaber

I decided to do a basic light saber that I found online. It is not a very complex model, but I am more interested in seeing if the 3d printer can handle the weird pieces that make up the handle of the model.

The very first model that I ever created was a light saber, and I wanted to have fun with the idea of having a copy of a simple model that I can relate to. I see myself moving forward with 3d printing in the future, and I feel that having something that I can refer back to as my roots in modeling to be something important to me.

The light saber is a very simplistic use of extrudes and booleans to create the ridged effect throughout the model.

I have just sent my light saber model out to shapeways for printing.

Hope it turns out well!

I have completed my Keyshots for both my flashlight and Lightsaber.
Here is the lightsaber.

Just received my lightsaber back from Shapeways!
The model is in excellent condition, and I will have a picture up in the next few days!
The model looks great! I am thinking of making more 3d objects now!



  1. With the proper thickness there should not be any problems with the handle. Think about the concept of a light saber and how you might re-imagine or even re-contextualize that form.

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