Sunday, September 7, 2014

Blake Philley - Assignment 1, Lost Time

I've decided to model a pocket watch for this project, and I have ideas of where I would like this model to go, but i'm not sure how to do so for a 3D printed object, or if they are even possible.

I would like to have a clear, cracked surface over the watch hands and numbers to denote the times, but I don't know how pieces need to be attached for the printer. I would also like to attach a chain to the watch, but I also don't know how the printer handles objects like, essentially a bunch of small interlocking pieces.

I want the design to have a cracked clear surface, and as many numbers as I can cram onto the watch surface, A broken chain would be ideal, but I don't know if the printer would be compatible with something like that.

Any critique and comments are welcome!

I was inspired in part by Dali's Persistence of Memory. I've always quite liked tha tpainting and wanted to do something with time as well.


I got the printed piece, and I'm fairly satisfied with it. It came out looking pretty nice, but a lot of the details like the numbers are just to small to see. And the piece itself is just too small for me to do very much with. I've got a quarter next to it for scale in the picture.

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