Saturday, September 13, 2014

William Broderick Week 3 Submission

     I have found in the past that I naturally ascribe to a clean, geometric aesthetic.  It is one of the many reasons why I have been drawn to painting with light and architectural projection mapping.  So, in brainstorming about our initial project, there were two things that immediately came to mind.  The first was Piet Mondrian's non-representational forms.  The clean, simple line and reductive use of primary colors immediately spoke to me!  And I've always enjoyed the way in which he took straight up geometric shapes, which have always felt symetrical to me at least, and compositionally arranged them asymmetrically.  He remains one of my favorite artists.

     The second inspiration that struck me was a puzzle known as a Soma Cube.  It is a 3x3x3 unit cube that is comprised of seven unique pieces.  The pieces can be arranged in any of 240 distinct solutions.

     One of the projects we were given during my undergraduate degree at UT San Antonio was an enlargement project that I selected a some cube to complete.  It was interesting seeing how the size of the piece forced group participation.  I also enjoyed how the physical interaction that was required to complete the cube broke traditional "rules" about touching the art.  The participants had to cross the velvet rope or the piece would never be solved.

     So, I tried to think about how I might combine the two for this initial piece and here's what I came up with.  I would love the opportunity to add color if that becomes an option at some point, especially since color is such a strong component for Mondrian.

Modeling isn't a strong skill for me but I am really looking forward to seeing what I can do and maybe even find a few ways of doing it, like with Rhino, that I was completely unfamiliar with prior to joining the class.

     I am ridiculously excited about the opportunities we are going to have over the semester to delve into all of the new fabrication processes!  And while I know that my initial conversations with you, Prof. Scott, leaned more towards this class being about process and not product, it is going to be so satisfying to have physical production become part of my art goals again this semester.  Thanks so much for coming to UTD!  We've been waiting for you almost two years now... Welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Very glad to be here. This is a good model and I think you will see as we engage more processes when can give whole new meanings and life to this form.
